Dr. Amir Handelman
Faculty of Electrical Engineering,
Holon Institute of Technology (HIT), Israel
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Optics Laboratory (AIMOL)
Peer-Reviewed Journal Papers
1. A. Handelman, E. Mishina, A. Kuriavstev, N. Amdursky, G. Rosenman
Bioinspired peptide nanotubes: Ferroelectricity at nanoscale
Integrated Ferroelectrics, 134(1) 2012 (48-49)
2. A. Handelman, P. Beker, E. Mishina, S. Semin, N. Amdursky, G. Rosenman
Ferroelectric properties and phase transition in dipeptide nanotubes
Ferroelectrics, 430(1), 2012 (84-91)
3. N. Amdursky, A. Handelman, G. Rosenman
Optical transition induced by molecular transformation in peptide nanostructures
Applied Physics Letters, 100(10), 2012 (103701—103701-4)
4. A.V. Kudryavtsev, K.V. Shvyrkov, E.D. Mishina, A.S. Sigov, A. Handelman,
N. Amdursky, G. Rosenman
Bioferroelecticity and biopiezelectricity
Physics of the Solid State, 54(6), 2012 (1263-1268)
5. A. Handelman, P. Beker, N. Amdursky, G. Rosenman
Physics and engineering of peptide supramolecular nanostructures
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
14(18), 2012 (6391-6408)
Awarded as high impact research on biotechnology 2013
6. N. Amdursky, G. Shalev, A. Handelman, S. Litsyn, A. Natan, Y. Roizin, Y. Rosenwaks,
D. Szwarcman, G. Rosenman
Bioorganic nanodots for non-volatile memory devices
APL Materials, 1, 2013 (062104-1—062104-5)
Chosen as one of the Collection of Editor's Picks for 2014
7. A. Handelman, S. Lavrov, A. Kudryavtsev, A. Khatchatouriants, Y. Rosenberg,
E. Mishina, G. Rosenman
Nonlinear optical bioinspired peptide nanostructures
Advanced Optical Materials, 1(11), 2013 (875-884)
8. A. Handelman, A. Natan, G. Rosenman
Structural and optical properties of short peptides: Nanotubes-to-nanofibers phase transformation
J. of Peptide Science, 20(7), 2014 (487-493)
9. A. Handelman, G. Shalev, G. Rosenman
Symmetry of bioinspired short peptide nanostructures and their basic physical properties
Israel J. of Chemistry, 55, 2015 (1-9)
10. I. Kressel, B. Dorfman, Y. Botsev, A. Handelman, J. Balter, A.C.R. Pillai, M.H. Prasad, N. Gupta,
A.M Joseph, R. Sundaram, M.Tur
Flight validation of an embedded structural health monitoring system
for an unmanned aerial vehicle
Smart Materials & Structures, 2015
11. A. Handelman, N. Kuritz, A. Natan, G. Rosenman
Reconstructive phase transition in ultrashort peptide nanostructures and
induced visible photoluminescence
Langmuir, 32(12), 2016 (2847-2862)
Chosen as ACS Editor's Choice
12. A. Handelman, B. Apter, N. Turko, G. Rosenman
Linear and nonlinear optical waveguiding in bio-inspired peptide nanotubes
Acta Biomaterialia, 30, 2016 (72-77)
13. B. Gilboa, C. Lafargue, A. Handelman, L.J.W. Shimon, G. Rosenman, J. Zyss, T. Ellenbogen
Strong electro-optic effect and spontaneous domain formation in self-assembled peptide structures
Advanced Science, 2017 (1700052 – 7 pages)
14. A. Handelman, B. Apter, T. Shostak, G. Rosenman
Peptide optical waveguides
J. of Peptide Science, 23(2), 2017 (95-103)
15. A. Handelman, N. Lapshina, B. Apter, G. Rosenman
Peptide integrated optics
Advanced Materials, 30(5), 2017 (1705776)
16. A. Handelman, S. Shwartz, L. Donitza, L. Chaplanov
Optical system for object detection and delineation in space
Optical Engineering, 57(1), 2018 (013108-1–013108-6)
17. B. Apter, N. Lapshina, A. Handelman, B.D. Fainberg, G. Rosenman
Review: Peptide nanophotonics: From optical waveguiding to precise medicine and
multifunctional biochips
Small, 14(34), 2018 (1801147-1—1801147-19)
18. D. Shaboy, D. Rockban, A. Handelman
Tapping underwater wireless optical communication in pure water and natural Dead-Sea
ultra-high-salinity water by diffraction grating
Optics Express, 26(23), 2018 (29700-29711)
19. A. Handelman, S. Schnaider, A. Schwartz-Ossad, R. Barkan, R. Tepper
Computerized model for objectively evaluating cutting performance
using a laparoscopic box trainer simulator
Surgical Endoscopy, 33(9), 2018 (2941-2950)
20. B. Apter, N. Lapshina, A. Handelman, G. Rosenman
Light waveguiding in bioinspired peptide nanostructures
J. of Peptide Science – Special Issue Review, 2019 (e3164)
21. B. Apter, B. Fainberg, A. Handelman, I. Lapsker, A. Accardo, C. Diaferia, G. Morelli, G. Rosenman
Long-range fluorescence propagation in Amyloidogenic b-sheet films and fibers
Advanced Optical Materials, 8(9), 2020
22. A. Handelman, Y. Keshet, E. Livny, R. Barkan, Y. Nahum, R. Tepper
Evaluation of suturing performance in general surgery and ocular microsurgery by
combining computer vision-based software and distributed fiber optic strain
sensors: A proof-of-concept
Int'l. J. of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery, 15(8), 2020 (1359-1367)
23. B. Apter, N. Lapshina, H. Barhom, B. Fainberg, A. Handelman, A. Accardo,
C. Diaferia, P. Ginzburg, G. Morelli, G. Rosenman
Fluorescence phenomena in Amyloid and Amyloidogenic bionanostructures
Crystals, 10(8) 2020 (668-1—668-43)
24. A. Handelman, I. Lapsker, A. Jacob, A. Laikhtman
Passive polarized light guiding and thermally induced visible fluorescence in
Histidine microstructures with optical switching function
Advanced Functional Materials, 2020 (2008183-1—2008183-10)
25. B. Apter, N. Lapshina, I. Lapsker, A. Handelman. A. Accardo, C. Diaferia,
G. Morelli, G. Rosenman
Fold-sensitive visible fluorescence in b-sheet peptide structures
Advanced Optical Materials, 2021, (2002247-1—2002247-10)
26. S. Kaplan, D. Handelman, A. Handelman
Sensitivity of neural networks to corruption of image classification
AI and Ethics, 1(4), 2021 (425-434)
27. A. Handelman
Optical polarization-based measurement methods for characterization of self-assembled peptides’ and amino acids’ micro- and nanostructures
Molecules, 27(6), 2022 (1802)
28. A. Handelman
Optical fringe analysis using support vector machine
J. of Electronic Imaging, 31(2), 2022 (023026)
29. I. Sartori, A. Davis, A. Berlinski, R. Chengal, A. Handelman
Effect of water-waves on recognition of speech signals transmitted over a wireless optical communication channel
Optics and Laser Technology, 167, 2023 (109682)
30. A. Handelman, A. Zindan, Y. Ben Ezra
Wireless transmission through different media of an optical signal amplitude-modulated by a temporal superoscillation function
J. of Lightwave Technology, 2024 (1-7)
A. Handelman, Load tracking of unmanned aerial vehicle by fiber optic sensors, LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2015, ISBN-13: 978-3659771521
Granted Patents
S. Litsyn, G Rosenman, A. Handelman, Y. Roizin, Y. Roizin, Composition and method for forming a dielectric layer, Patent No.: US 10,115,584 B2, Date of patent: 30/10/2018
T. Marciano, B. Bringoltz, E. Gurevich, I. Ada, Z. Lindenfeld, Z. Zhao, Y. Feler, D. Kandel, N. Carmel, A. Manassen, N. Amir, O. Kaminsky, T. Yaziv, O. Zaharan, M. Cooper, R. Sulimarski, T. Leviat, N. Sella, B. Efraty, L. Saltoun, A. Handelman, E. Ashwal, O. Bachar, Methods of analyzing and utilizing landscapes to reduce or eliminate inaccuracy in overlay optical metrology, US publication number: 20160313658, Publication date: 27/10/2016
A. Handelman, D. Geva
System and method for optimizing optical communication for autonomous vehicles
Patent No.: US 11,695,476 B2, Date of Patent: 4 July 2023 -
A. Handelman, System and method for decision making for autonomous vehicles
Patent No.: US 11,868,130 B2, Date of Patent: 9 Jan 2024