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Current Research Activities



The quest for suitable micro- and nano-structure materials that can act as optical waveguides for interconnects in integrated photonic devices has accelerated the research in optical nanowires and nanotubes of different origins. In our research we investigate optical properties of various bio-organic materials (such as, amino acids, peptides and proteins), and exploit their unique features for developing multifunctional biochips, implantable bio-photonic devices, optical waveguides, and other tools for medical diagnosis and therapy. We employ  nanotechnology experimental methods (such as, XRD, FTIR, SEM, AFM, Nano-Fountain Pen, Raman, FL/OA, SHG microscopy and more) as well as simulation methods (FDTD).

Anchor 1
Underwater Wireless Optical Communication


Free-space optical systems find use in many applications. Our research in this field extends from wireless underwater optical communication to object recognition and delineation in space. 



In another field of research we employ state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning algorithms and investigate their possible use in special applications in medicine and optics.   

Bio-Medical Engineering


We are developing instruments, devices, methods, and systems aimed to treat patients or to train physicians. We do this by combing optical techniques and electronic devices with computer-vision algorithms. 


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